Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2014
My life is so different now that I have a newborn. People tell you that your life will change, and that it's hard, but really there is NOTHING that can prepare you for this. Particularly because I was lucky enough to end up with a child with major colic. Good times. So here are my goals for 2014. I have no idea how realistic they are, but I am going to give it a try.
Reading/blogging goals:
1. Find time to blog
2. Read at least 50 books
3. Complete at least 4 challenges
4. Write more book reviews
5. Finish 5 series
Personal Goals
1. When I go back to work, actually work
2. Make and effort to pick up more
3. Spend quality time with my dogs
4. Pre-plan and organize meals
5. Find time for me

Finishing 5 series is an excellent goal that I might have to do as well. I always read the first book in a series and then forget about the rest because they are not readily available at the library. When I DO get my hands on a sequel, I don't remember what the original book was about.