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Top Ten Tuesday (#53) (04/01/14)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Five "Gateway" Books In My Reading Journey

This is actually a really hard topic for me.  I have always read pretty much anything and everything. That being said here are the books that had the most impact on my road to reading YA pretty much exclusively.  I know I have mentioned all of these before.

This series was the first I read once I took that class in grad school.  I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  It really reminded me how much I loved YA, even as bad as it could be, back when I was in MS/high school.


This series was my ultimate gateway book, and I expect it was many adult's gateway books into YA.  I look at this series as the White Zinfandel of YA books.  Ultimately it's terrible, but it got people hooked and many adults went on to discover how amazing YA can be.

I included this series, because it was the first series that as an adult I actually felt completely normal and accepted reading.  Yes it's a children's series, but really it's for everyone.


  1. I totally agree with you on Twilight - I had it on my list as well this week for the sole reason that it properly introduced me to the YA genre. Great lis! :)

  2. Twilight made my list as well. I didn't start reading it until all of the books had been released and I couldn't put it down. I am a book blogger today because of that series.

    Great list!! Here is my TTT:

  3. Twilight didn't make my list, as I was already reading YA (that's why I picked it up in the library in the first place)... but I guess it probably did introduce a lot of adult readers to the YA shelves. I just hope those readers realize that there are a lot better things on those shelves than Twilight!
