Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge
So Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer is hosting book challenge. I've always wanted to participate in one of these, I just have never gotten a chance. I think I'll give this one a go.To give you some background on why this challenge appeals to me, I must let you in on a little secret known only to my husband and myself. I have over 600 books, ARCS, and ebooks sitting around that haven't been read yet. These are books that have ALREADY been published. I don't even want to go into the number of ARCS waiting for me that haven't been published yet, or books outside the YA genre.
The Rules:
- Link up at The Caffeinated Book Reviewer between March 1st-31st 2013.
- Join the Read-a-Thon March 15-18.
- All books must have been published before March of 2013.
- Post reviews of your books so you can be entered into a giveaway for a 2013 release.
- Follow everybody's progress on Twitter using the hashtag #TakeControl
If any of you are curious about which books I'm going to try to get to this month you can check out my shelf Pick-A-Book shelf on Goodreads. If there are any that you think are MUST reads, leave a comment and I'll try to get to it.
Okay, you're making me feel better about the books/ARCs I have to read. Looking forward to seeing what you accomplish this month.