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Feature & Follow Friday (#19)


The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read.

This week's Question:

Back to school. Create a reading list for the imaginary English Lit class you’ll be teaching this semester.

How Fun!  So the way I remember each unit consisted of about 4 weeks, so I am maxing out on about 4 books.  So now the question is which four books, and for which grade?  For the grade I'm going with 9th or 10th grade.

I think this is a good mix of both classic and new literature.  I think all are important books to read.  I would hope that the students would get value out of these books and they would appreciate them. 


  1. New GFC follower :)

    I was forced to read Pride & Prejudice when I studied English Lit but I've never been a fan of the classics. Looking for Alaska is on my tbr pile so I'll be reading that soon.

    Mia Hoddell
    Gift card giveaway -> more entries = more money!

  2. another Pride and Prejudice!! I swear its haunting me cause I haven't read it yet!! I like how you have a short list of books! I would for sure take your class!

    Old bloglovin follower, new twitter!
    My FF + Giveaway!

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

  3. Great Mix. I haven't heard of Speak so I will have to check it out. New Bloglovin' follower. My FF.

  4. OOoh nice ones! Never read any of these!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)
